When Three Becomes Four

When Three Becomes Four​

This beautiful session was my first of 2024, so I thought that was a good place to start after not blogging for so long! Like every session, this one was very relaxed, so even with a newborn and a toddler, it was a lot of fun! During a session like this, I will very much take your lead, and let the session flow along with you and your little people. No pressure at all to get a perfect image. Newborn babies and toddlers will very much do what they want! But keeping things very relaxed means that natural moments will happen, and together we can capture some beautiful memories for you to treasure.  What are you waiting for? I'd love to chat!                      

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Waiting for You

It feels like a million years ago now, but I wanted to share with you some of my favourite self portraits from when I was pregnant with our son. I didn't have the easiest pregnancy, after being diagnosed with Placenta Previa, but I wanted to capture as much I could, even the tough times when I was in hospital. Creating these images helped me to keep going, and I knew that one day I'd want to tell my story. Not every pregnancy, or birth story is easy. But, every one is beautiful in its own way.                      

What is brand photography?

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

So that's half of 2022 already done! (I know how crazy!) The last 6 months have been a total whirlwind if I'm honest. Chasing after a bonkers wannabe toddler, and running two businesses is a little crazy! But I wouldn't change it for the world. Sharing a few favourites from the last 6 months. Here’s to the next half of the year!                       

What is brand photography?

What is Brand Photography?

As a small business you are your brand. Your business has been built up by you, and your personality, and passion for what you do, is what make your clients love you. A brand photography session showcases you, in all your wonderfulness, and shows all you have to offer your clients. Emotional connection is key to engaging with your clients, and as your social media and website are the first impression they get, it's really important to be visible, and to show the best, most fabulous you. Are you ready to let the world meet the face behind your brand?       ​The Mucky Ducky             Rebecca Watson Brand Design              Catriona Archibald    

The nights are long, but the days are short

The Nights are Long, but the Days are Short

The saying goes 'the nights are long, but the days are short', and I think they got it so right.The first year of your baby's life goes by in a whirl, and photographs become so incredibly important.They allow us to be taken back to a time that is so fleeting, and awaken memories of tiny toes, and wrinkly legs.The first few weeks at home with a newborn can be tough, but it is also a time to be cherished.When I'm invited into a home, to photograph a family who have just welcomed a new addition, it is such an incredible honour.To be part of that newborn baby bubble is really something special.There will be quiet skin-to-skin moments, happy giggles from siblings, and lots of lovely togetherness.I'm just there to observe, to capture you just as you are.Together as a family.       ​              

The world is yours to explore. Let’s go outside.

The world is yours to explore. Let’s go outside

For the little explorers who like to be busy. The adventurers, the wild ones, and the ones who don’t want to sit still. Outdoor sessions are a mini adventure, a chance to be one with nature, and to explore our beautiful surroundings. Let’s go on an adventure together.       ​

There's no place like home

A place where love is found, and memories are made. Where we are most relaxed, and where we can be ourselves. Every family has a special space or room in their home, that means something to them. It might be the kitchen where you make pancakes every weekend, or the nursery where you feed your newborn. In Home Sessions let you be you. Your family just as they are.  ​  

This Detailed Life magazine

This Detailed Life magazine

This Detailed Life magazine is a professional photography magazine showcasing artwork by photographers around the world. Run by a team of photographers, we wish to elevate our fellow photographers, educate and inform, and above all to inspire.  The first issue was launched in June 2020 and it was amazing to be part of the team, and to have one of my self portraits featured. The theme of the first issue was Quarantine, and it showcased art that photographers created during lockdown. The second issue celebrates the little things, the big things and the things that really matter when life doesn’t go as planned.  After an unprecedented and challenging year for the majority of people around the world, we wanted an opportunity to celebrate what we can. Despite difficult times, there is always plenty that can be celebrated and we'd like to bring a positive spin to the end of 2020 and focus on this where possible. The second issue CELEBRATE! is now available to order here – https://www.thisdetailedlife.com/      ​



River and Pear Photography
River and Pear Photography